Lansinoh had been a trusted source for postpartum healing among mothers and healthcare providers for over 40 years. Their products have stood the test of time and they are leading the industry with their sustainability practices and commitments. But as more “cool” mom-brands have entered the market in the last few years, Lansinoh needed to cut through the noise and take a stand for what they’ve always been about: supporting moms, no matter what.
Creative Director
Brand Refresh + Creative Dev
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For as “evolved” as our society might claim to be, the reality is that growing, birthing, feeding, raising our babies is still largely perceived as “mom’s” job. And while moms are doing the best they can, but they still feel underprepared and unsupported as they navigate jobs, childcare, and beyond.
With these learnings in mind, we built Lasinoh’s brand strategy on something that has always been a foundational truth and guiding force for them, since the very beginning: mothers matter. Period.